Add Alt Tags to Product Images

How to add Alt Tags (a.k.a. Captions) to Product Images:

When running Search Engine Optimization programs, you may receive a message stating that your product images do not have Alt Tags.

An Alt Tag is a short descriptive line of text associated with an image. Usually you will want to describe the image itself using a few words. For example, if you are entering an Alt Tag for a product image, you can use the product's name as the Alt Tag.

Alt Tags are read by Search Engines and are valued higher than regular text by Search Engine spiders, so they can help you in your Search Engine rankings.

Also, if you place your mouse over an image that contains an Alt Tag, the Alt Tag will appear on the screen for you to read.

Please follow the instructions below to add Alt Tags to your product images.

  • Navigate to "Products > Manage Products" from the menu on the left in your COOLSite Admin.
  • Using the Search Filters at the top of the page, find your products that have images associated with them.
  • Edit each of these products by clicking on the "Edit" link for each product, from the results grid below.
  • Click on the "Images" tab above.
  • Click on the icon to the left of the delete icon, for the images that you would like to add Alt Tags to.
  • Enter your Alt Tag into the box provided on the pop-up window and click on the "Save Caption" button when done.
If you have any questions regarding Alt Tags, please contact us at 954-341-7031 or Support@Colony1.Net.