An ALT Tag is a short descriptive line of text associated with an image. Usually you will want to describe the image itself using a few words. For example, if you are entering an ALT Tag for an image of a beach sunset, you can use the names "Beach", "Sunset", or "Beach Sunset" as possible ALT Tags.
ALT Tags are read by Search Engines and are valued higher than regular text by Search Engine spiders, so they can help you in your Search Engine rankings.
ALT Tags are not shown anywhere on your site and can only be seen by viewing the HTML / Source for your site.
A Title on the other hand will appear on the screen for you to read, if you place your mouse over an image on your site.
If you would like to add ALT Tags and/or Titles to any images on your website, please see the steps below on how to do so.
1. Click on "
Pages" or "
Configure Layout" from the menu on the left in your COOLSite Admin, depending on whether your image is located on a specific page on your site ("Pages") or in one of the Configure Layout regions (Header, Footer, etc...) on your template / site ("Configure Layout").
- If your image is located on a specific page on your site, then after clicking "Pages" from the menu on the left, either click on the corresponding icon under the "Edit" column for the page that your image appears on (if the image is located within the body area of the page), or click on the corresponding icon under the "Header/Footer" column for the page that your image appears on (if the image is located in the Header or Footer area of the page, and not within the body area).
- If your image is located in one of the Configure Layout regions (Header, Footer, etc...) on your template / site, then after clicking "Configure Layout" from the menu on the left, you will need to click into the shaded region which contains the image.
2. Next, right-click on the image in the editor box and select "
Insert/Edit Image".
3. Under the "
General" tab, you will see two fields - "
Image Description" and "
Title", which you can use to enter your ALT Tag (Image Description) or Title (Title) for this image.
4. When done, click on the "
Update" button at the bottom of the window, followed by either the "
Process Page Update" button at the bottom of the editor box, or the "
Save" button at the top or bottom of the editor boxes.
NOTE: You will need to repeat the above steps to add ALT Tags and/or Titles to other images on your site.