Import Contacts


Within this section in CRM, you will be able to import your existing contacts / leads into CRM.


1) Click “Import Contacts” from the menu at the top.

2) Click the red "[Click Here]" link shown in Step # 1 on this page and you will be prompted to open or save the following file - "contacts_import_template.xls".  You can choose to do either.  However, if you save the file, you will need to open it once it has been downloaded to your computer.

3) Input the data for the contacts / leads that you will be importing into CRM, into this Excel spreadsheet, and be sure to follow the guidelines / requirements shown (ie: Field, Required, Type, Length, and Notes) at the bottom of the "Import Contacts" page when doing so.

4) Save this file as a "Text (Tab Delimited) (*.txt)" file type.  You can do this by clicking on the "File" menu at the top and then clicking "Save As".  You will then need to browse and select a folder on your computer to save this file to, and then enter a File Name and select "Text (Tab Delimited) (*.txt)" from the "Save as type" drop-down selection box.  Finally, click on the "Save" button.

5) Click on the "Browse" button under the "Upload Contacts" section on the "Import Contacts" page and browse to / select the file that you saved in step 4 above, and click "Open".

6) Click on the "Start Upload" button.

7) Once your upload is complete, you will be able to view the contacts / leads that were imported into CRM, by clicking on "Contacts List" from the menu at the top.