Bounces in CRM

This is an overview of how Bounces are handled in CRM.

Unsubscribe (marked as 'Email Opt-Out: Yes' in CRM)
A recipient can click any "Unsubscribe" link seen at the bottom of all emails.
The system sends you a notification that the contact has been marked as (Email Opt-Out: Yes) in your contact list.

b) Feedback Loop (marked as 'Bounced Mail' in CRM)
A delivered message was manually marked as Spam by the recipient.
This triggers a notification (complaint report) back to the system.
The system sends you a notification that the contact has been marked as Bounced in your contact list.

c) Soft Bounce - user not found (marked as 'Bounced Mail' in CRM)
The recipients mail server responds with "user not found".
This means the domain exists but the user on that domain does not exist.
The system sends you a notification that the contact has been marked as Bounced in your contact list.

d) Hard Bounce (NOT marked as 'Bounced Mail' in CRM)
A hard bounce is an email message that has been returned to the sender.
The system re-sends the message every X hours but after 24-48 hours it is considered permanently undeliverable.
Most common reason for this to occur is mistyped email address domain name.
The system does NOT mark as Bounced Mail in CRM, and you are responsible for correcting the recipients email.