Catalog Pages to show Individual Classes

In order for you to link your products in a more organized way, you will need to create individual Catalog pages for each of your product classes.  For example, you might want to create individual catalog pages and name them according to the classes you have currently defined:


ATVs and Dirt Bikes

Camping Equipment


Firearm Accessories

Fishing Tackle


Knives, and Accessories


When creating the catalog pages, you can select which class you want your customer to see when they click on that particular catalog page.

For example:  If you created a catalog page called "Camping Equipment", then you would want your customer to see only the products that fall under that category (class).  You would not want them to click on "Camping Equipment" and see any products associated with the other classes that you have defined, such as "Electronics, etc..."


How to create individual catalog pages and have them show products from the corresponding class :


In your admin area, click on "Add Page" and then select "Catalog".  Next, type in a name for your page (the best name to use would be the actual name of the class that you have defined.  For example, call it "Camping Equipment") and click on "Add Page.


From the next screen, you can choose from four types of ways to categorize your products. Click on the radio button corresponding to the "Show Products" choice.  Then, select the corresponding class from the drop down box and leave all other settings intact.  For example, if you named your catalog page "Camping Equipment", you would select "Camping Equipment" from the list of classes.


Note: when you are finished making your selection, click "Submit" at the bottom of the page.


You can now view your website and you will notice that if you click on the "Camping Equipment" page from you navigation menu, you will only see the products pertaining to that class. 


*You will need to repeat the above steps in order to create additional individual catalog pages and associate them with the corresponding class.

If you have any other questions, please let us know.